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Our vision is to increase the circularity in the machining industry and the water treatment industry. With our patent-pending technology, turn hazardous steel swarf into a coagulant with competing quality to those currently used in water treatment.

Our process

Our process

Our patent-pending process offers a resource-efficient method to extract iron from steel grinding swarf and convert it into iron chloride, a coagulant commonly used in water treatment with a high, increasing demand.

We are today able to produce an iron chloride solution with purity levels that meet European standards for treating drinking water (EN 888:2004). From 1 ton of grinding swarf we can produce 5 tons of iron chloride.

The solid byproducts can be used as input material for stainless steel production. Hydrogen gas is another byproduct, which can be converted into electricity or used in other industrial processes.

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Ferric Chloride

Our Ferric Chloride is of high commercial quality and purity (CEN). By collaborating with established producers and resellers of Iron based coagulants, we are increasing the availability of high quality water purification chemicals made from recycled iron, reducing the dependence of virgin iron ore.

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Green hydrogen is expected to play a significant role in the future energy system and in decarbonizing heavy industries. Utilization of the hydrogen gas generated in our process can be adapted to fulfill the needs of the surrounding industrial system – in other chemical processes, as electricity or fuel for transportation.

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The solid output contains higher concentrations of alloying elements such as Molybdenum and Chromium, valuable in the production of stainless steel. By making the solid byproducts available for reuse, Anferra aims to recycle and reuse 100% of the grinding swarf.